«Alle vertues arne closide yn curtesye». The Book of Curtasy (c. 1470), translation, text and notes





courtesy, table manners, medieval didactic literatura, Boke of Curtesy, England


This article provides the first annotated Spanish translation of the poem The Boke of Curtesy, also known as The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke, preserved in six mss. from the last third of the 15th century, when the English population moved to urban centres. This practical treatise in verse with a didactic intention is aimed at children and young people in a context of the rise of London’s mercantile elite. It shows the correct behaviour at table, at a time when the meal is the moment of sociability par excellence, in the family but especially at public receptions. The Boke of Curtesy is part of a Western European tradition of courtesy books, didactic texts on behaviour and moral rules, which has as its ultimate referents the Facetus. In addition to presenting the translation and annotated text, the work analyses its contents, function and originality, and contextualises the work within the environment of the period and its generic tradition.


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How to Cite

Trujillo, J. R. (2023) “«Alle vertues arne closide yn curtesye». The Book of Curtasy (c. 1470), translation, text and notes”, Revista de Literatura Medieval. Alcalá de Henares, ES, 35(1), pp. 39–80. doi: 10.37536/RLM.2023.35.1.98409.
