The parody of courtly and moralising literature in Aucassin et Nico-lette: the fairy and the saint in the light of the pastourelle R439a = 738




Chantefable, Vie de Saint Eustache, Lai, Parody, Pastourelle


The aim of this paper is to present new intertextual relationships that connect the chantefable Aucassin et Nicolette to the lyrical genre of the pastourelle, as well as to the Breton lais and the hagiographic legend of Saint Eustace. I intend not only to add new sources for the anonymous work, but moreover to show how the three hypotexts, which intersect in three episodes featuring Nicolette, are interweaved. The metaliterary dimension of the character of Nicolette, configured at various points of the chantefable as a projection of the author, reveals the compositional strategies of the work. Fusing the courtly and hagiographic models, the author subjects them to a parodic rewriting with a tone of pastourelle. Aucassin and Nicolette is thus shown to be a genuine product of the cultural context of the society of Arras in the 13th century.


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How to Cite

Simó Torres, M. (2023) “The parody of courtly and moralising literature in Aucassin et Nico-lette: the fairy and the saint in the light of the pastourelle R439a = 738”, Revista de Literatura Medieval. Alcalá de Henares, ES, 35(1), pp. 279–302. doi: 10.37536/RLM.2023.35.1.98134.
