Inclusive Practicum: Creating Networks of Learning and Collaboration between Students, Teachers, and the Faculty of Education


  • Yolanda Muñoz Martínez Universidad de Alcalá-Facultad de Educación
  • Susana Domínguez Santos Universidad de Alcalá Facultad de Educación
  • Slavka Madarova Universidad de Alcalá-Dpto. Filología Moderna
  • Silvia de la Sen Pumares Universidad de Alcalá-Facultad de Educación
  • Jesús García Laborda Universidad de Alcala



The presented Teaching Innovation project deals with establishment of support, learning and collaboration networks between university and non-university teaching staff. This was done with two fundamental purposes in mind: on the one hand, improving the training of Practicum students through joint reflection and, on the other hand, promoting inclusive education in schools through support networks among teachers. Participants were the Practicum students from the Faculty of Education, specifically students with the major in Special Educational Needs. The project included creation of joint seminars between Practicum tutors of the Faculty, tutors from schools and Practicum students. Moreover, initiating support networks allowed involving two different schools in two Autonomous Communities, which has been a highly enriching experience for all participants.

Biographie de l'auteur

Jesús García Laborda , Universidad de Alcala

Doctor en Filología inglesa y Doctor en CC. Educación. Master en Didáctica del inglés (Georgia, USA) y Lingüísitica comparada (Wisconsin, USA). Profesor Universidad de Alcalá. Participante en 9 proyectos de investigación (4 europeos) y tres como investigador principal. Publicaciones: 3 libros, 50 artículos de revista (12 SSCI), 30 reseñas (21 SSCI). Revisor de British Journal of Educational Technology, Computers & Education, Computer Assisted Language Learning y International Journal of Human Sciences (entre otros 10). Miembro de comité científico de Revista de Didáctica de Lengua y Literatura. Investigador invitado en la Universidad de Amberes (Bélgica, 2008-9, 6 meses), Kalipeda (Lituania), Anadolu (Turquía) y Nicosia Tourism College (Chipre).




Comment citer

Muñoz Martínez, Y., Domínguez Santos, S., Madarova, S., de la Sen Pumares, S., & García Laborda, J. (2021). Inclusive Practicum: Creating Networks of Learning and Collaboration between Students, Teachers, and the Faculty of Education. Revista Interuniversitaria De Formación Del Profesorado. Continuación De La Antigua Revista De Escuelas Normales, 96(35.3), 205–224.