Facilitators and barriers for retention of migrant students in Chile: experiences of four schools in Valparaíso
Student retention, school dropout, migrant students, Chilean educational system, qualitative researchAbstract
The increase in the migrant population in Chilean schools has posed significant challenges for the education system. Although policies for promoting their integration have made progress, these students present a higher dropout rate than their local peers. This study aims to define the socioeducational facilitators and barriers involved in the completion of compulsory schooling by migrant students from the perspective of educational agents. For this purpose, using a qualitative methodology, 47 interviews were conducted with the management staff, support professionals and teachers from 4 schools in the Valparaíso region (Chile). The results indicate the existence of factors at the individual, social and family, and educational community levels that influence the retention of the migrant students from the Chilean schools studied. As a conclusion, despite several protective factors, this population is more vulnerable and prone to school dropout. Therefore, the design and implementation of new and better education policies that cater to their needs is vital.
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