Relationship of social integration and leisure experiences with bullying in primary school students




bullying, leisure, social integration, socio-educational intervention, primary education


Leisure experiences are spaces for social integration. Research has shown that isolation is a relevant factor in bullying processes. If we understand bullying as an interpersonal process, the contexts of analysis have to be widened beyond classroom relationships, extending it to the study of relationships in leisure spaces. The Theory of Lifestyles and Routine Activities states that there are leisure activities that increase the likelihood of being a victim and others that reduce it. The aim of the present study is to analyses the association between leisure experiences and bullying involvement in a sample of Spanish Primary School students, through a cross-sectional design. A total of 2162 5th and 6th Primary School students participated in the study. Involvement in bullying has been measured according to the intervention roles: victim, aggressor, victim/offender, and leisure experiences. The results obtained indicate a similar pattern in both sexes in isolation, which makes them more vulnerable to victimization; reading, which reduces the likelihood of being an aggressor; and online gaming, which increases the likelihood of being a victim and aggressor. Other leisure experiences act differently according to the sex of the children. For boys, playing sports increases the likelihood of being a victim and a victim/offender. Shared leisure time with parents reduces the likelihood of victimization and increased time spent with friends, both face-to-face and online, increases the likelihood of the aggressor role. In girls, the greater use of technology as a social tool increases the probability of being a victim/offender. The results obtained in the research offer us alternatives for prevention and intervention from Social Pedagogy based on leisure


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