Co-occurrence of different types of interpersonal violence in mexican adolescents
Exposure to violence, Child-to-parent violence, Dating violence, Adolescent, MexicoAbstract
Adolescence is not exempt from the presence of various phenomena and problems, one of them is interpersonal violence, which manifests itself in different ways and in different areas, and whose consequences have a significant impact on the population of young people and adolescents For this reason, the goal of this research was describing and analyzing the prevalence, frequency and relationship between different types of violence suffered and committed by adolescents. For this, 450 Mexican students participated, of which 259 were women and 191 men, aged between 13 and 19 years. In regard to the method, a quantitative approach was used with a non-experimental, cross-sectional and ex post facto design, with exploratory, descriptive and correlational purposes. Among the main results, a high prevalence of psychological violence committed towards parents and of control violence exercised and suffered during dating was identified. Besides significant differences were also found in the frequency of severe direct violence and of the isolation control suffered in the courtship, as well as physical violence towards the father, with men showing the highest score. Finally, the co-occurrence of different forms of violence was found, based on these results it is necessary to contemplate interpersonal violence in an integrated and not fragmented way, where the possibility that people may suffer or perpetrate more than a type of interpersonal violence in different contexts and stages of his life.
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