The Rif Mines Spanish Company and the Francoist State during the Morrocan Independence process: Facets of Mutual Reciprocity Agreements (1951-1973)


  • Pablo Díaz Morlán



Rif Mines Spanish Company, Francoist State, Mutual instrumentation, N47, N57, N84, N87


Relationships between the Rif Mines Spanish Company and Francoist State during the independence of Morocco are a good testing ground to analyze the usefulness of the concept of mutual reciprocity agreements, overcoming the notion of State capture. The article is based on archive sources in order to explore the influence of private interests in policy decisions under Franco. It concludes that such influence occurred, but not in an absolute manner, and that political power was not subordinated to private interests, while these interests did not accept the political decisions that were contrary to them without resistance. In short, there were mutual reciprocity, negotiation and tension on both sides, and business interests cannot, in any way, be defined as ‘powerless privileged’.



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How to Cite

Díaz Morlán, P. (2019). The Rif Mines Spanish Company and the Francoist State during the Morrocan Independence process: Facets of Mutual Reciprocity Agreements (1951-1973). Investigaciones De Historia Económica, 11(3), 174–183.

