Teachers’ perceptions of the challenges of the digital society
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INTRODUCTION. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was designed to determine and predict technology acceptance. It was based on other paradigms developed from social psychology, such as TRA (Theory of Reasoned Action). The heterogeneity of the postulates that pursued the same goal as the TAM led to the formulation of the UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) to unify all previous theories and models. For this purpose, the basic constructs that systematised eight models and theories were taken into account, as well as the most relevant moderating factors that articulated them. This study aims to establish the influence of the beliefs about technology: UP (Perceived Usefulness), FUP (Perceived Ease of Use) and IC (Behavioural Intention) on the CDD (Digital Teaching Competence).
METHOD. A quantitative methodology was used by administering a questionnaire to which, in addition to the socio-demographic questions, items on the European Framework of the CDD and questions in addition to the subscales of the UTAUT were added. Statistical calculations were carried out using the statistical software r and rstudio. RESULTS. The results extracted from the Confirmatory Factor Analysis show the adequacy of the proposed items for UP, FUP and IC. These three subscales were, in turn, adequate for the UTAUT, as all items related to the six dimensions of the CDD correlated positively with the UTAUT scales. DISCUSSION. The contrast of the results obtained with those reflected in the scientific literature confirms that the measures of adjustment between the UTAUT and the CDD achieve a solid analysis model and that the positive relationship between their different factor loadings is optimal for their development. This confluence should be further analysed to guide educational policies.
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