The importance of virtual reality in STEM education: a systematic review from the point of view of experimentation in the classroom
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INTRODUCTION. In recent years, STEM disciplines have integrated Virtual Reality into the educational context. Hence, VR technology facilitates the user’s immersion, in this case, students, in a totally virtual world where different teaching-learning strategies are developed. It is important to know the international publications about implementing the construct: STEM-VR-students, as well as the results obtained which had been the objective of this work. METHOD. A systematic review of the published literature has been carried out, in articles with open access format, in the Scopus database between the years 2000 and 2021 and in the field of social sciences. RESULTS. Twelve articles meet the established inclusion criteria. Their analysis provides a growing interest on the part of researchers and educators, a diversity of authors and areas involved, added to some positive achievements of a cognitive and affective nature on the part of the students who participated actively in the studies, as well as a remarkable variety in the designed activities; but also, some methodological deficiencies, such as a scarce theoretical foundation that guides the designs of the didactic proposals or a limited time in some of the studies. DISCUSSION. The synergies between VR and problem-based or inquiry-based learning, the limitations in terms of technological use and availability, the need to continue the research on this subject, and finally, to increase as much as possible are noteworthy. In addition, the sample size allows the generalization of the results and evaluates effectively the level of real integration of this emerging technology.
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