Inverted method and didactic model: a motivating perspective of virtual learning in pandemic contexts

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Marina Fernández Miranda
Christian Abraham Dios Castillo
Diana Mercedes Sosa Córdova
Andrés Camilo Cépeda


INTRODUCTION. The Covid-19 pandemic led to the declaration of a health emergency in the world, generating an unprecedented crisis in all areas. In the sphere of education, it gave into to the closure of institutions, but it also became an educational opportunity to transform on-site classrooms into virtual classrooms, guaranteeing the continuity of university teaching, using pedagogical models, methodological strategies, resources and digital infrastructure. The inverted method is a fundamental methodology where the student reads and reviews the material at home and the tasks are carried out in class after using technologies. METHOD. The research has a quantitative approach, pre-experimental design. To carry it out a Pre-Test, a Post- Test and online rubrics have been used as instruments. They were applied to 154 students of the subject of Learn­ing Technology in the Degree of Psychology. RESULTS. The findings reveal that the integration of the inverted and the didactic model (IUTPC) in digital contexts improve significantly students’ learning motivation. After the experiment, a higher arithmetic mean was obtained in the communicative dimension, which means that the students had very good interaction between teachers and students to communicate by e-mail, internal messaging, chat, forums and videoconference. Secondly, the practical dimension, the students developed effectively the training activities. The informative dimension is organized and structured through files-directories. Finally, the evalua­­tive dimension with the participation of students in forums and group tutorials. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. The contributions of the research stand out because the neural network of the brain provides the essential stimuli for the motivation of the students that involves cognitive and affective elements, closely related to critical and creative autonomous learning from the perspective of Bloom’s Taxonomy for the digital age.


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How to Cite
Fernández Miranda, M., Dios Castillo, C. A., Sosa Córdova, D. M., & Camilo Cépeda, A. (2022). Inverted method and didactic model: a motivating perspective of virtual learning in pandemic contexts. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 74(3), 11–34.
Author Biographies

Marina Fernández Miranda, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú (Perú)

Doctor in Educational Sciences, Master in University Teaching from the National University of Piura. She has a degree in Education, a specialist in business administration and ICT for EBR. Her research has focused on ICT, Education, e-learning, accreditation. She is currently the Research Coordinator of the Technological University of Peru, she is also a teacher.

Christian Abraham Dios Castillo, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú (Perú)

Researcher RENACYT – Carlos Monge level IV, Systems Engineer. Specialist in management and auditing of information systems and technologies. Masterin Business Administration MBA. Doctor in Educational Administration. Specialist in Distance Education and Scientific Research Methodology. University Consultant in Accreditation, Licensing.

Diana Mercedes Sosa Córdova, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú (Perú)

Master in Human Talent Management, solution-focused psychologist and psychotherapist, management specialist. Her lines of research: human development, organizational, clinical and occupational psychology. She is currently the academic coordinator of psychology at the Technological University of Peru, Piura headquarters, and a professor of psychology.

Andrés Camilo Cépeda, Universidad de Michigan (Estados Unidos)

Master in Social Work from the University of Michigan, United States. Psychologist from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, Colombia. His research is related to the focus on social work and intervention with families and caregivers promoting positive parenting. He is currently a Research Assistant at the University of Michigan School of Social Work.



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