Sancho, J. M.ª, Hernández, F., Montero, L., De Pablos, J., Rivas, I. y Ocaña, A. (coords.) (2020). Caminos y derivas para otra investigación educativa y social. Barcelona: Octaedro, 315.
Main Article Content
Caminos y derivas para otra investigación educativa y social is a collective work proposal that aims to diversify research perspectives by revising multiple approaches which have emerged in the last decades. Concerned about the instrumentalization of research, these perspectives review, question and explore other ways of approaching the educational and social fields. Presented in three blocks, the book invites us to rethink the sense of research by taking into account emerging onto-epistemologies and different methodological perspectives. At the same time, it reviews ethics and responsibility in the research process. Therefore, this work provides a conceptual, critical and open toolbox to reflect on an alternative research that, through questioning and provoking, addresses the challenges of educational and social research.