Temporary International mobility. Approximation to its impact on the professional development of foreign language and subject teachers

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Francisco Javier Sanz Trigueros
Carmen Guillén Díaz


INTRODUCTION. This article is part of the European dynamics of teacher professional development that, in a subsidiary way, affect the emerging professional sector specialized in bilingual teaching. The focus is on a key factor: international mobility, as one of the common European principles for competences and qualifications of teachers. The notional scope of mobility and the official background link it to the programmes of continuing professional development by placing its postulated quality as an institutional object of study. In order to give account of the value of mobility for the professional development of these teachers, 83 mandatory life stories written by temporal mobility beneficiaries are analysed. METHOD. Qualitative analysis of the handled textual information is developed with the technique of content analysis according to an interpretive, descriptive and autobiographical approach. Three properties of quality which must govern the international mobility are taken as categories of analysis. From the definition of each criterion, indicators of the significant effects of mobility in the personal, social and academic dimensions of the professional development are identified. RESULTS. Data are interpreted in terms of the high, medium, low or zero matching degree among the descriptors of the three properties of quality retained: the expected, the desired, the realized, the achieved and the perceived. Its intersections and quantification characterize the most significant effects of mobility in the specified dimensions. DISCUSSION. With the results, inferences are emitted in accordance with the qualities investigated. This allows to confirm the value of mobility as a procedure to provide the teacher with the ability to assume the new functions and tasks that bilingual education entails; and as a product, sine qua non condition, in the added perspectives of guaranteeing the recognition and qualification of competences and of updating the study with other facets of mobility effects from other stakeholders.


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How to Cite
Sanz Trigueros, F. J., & Guillén Díaz, C. (2020). Temporary International mobility. Approximation to its impact on the professional development of foreign language and subject teachers. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 72(1), 133–150. https://doi.org/10.13042/Bordon.2020.01.72054
Author Biographies

Francisco Javier Sanz Trigueros, Universidad de Valladolid

Francisco Javier Sanz-Trigueros es Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad de Valladolid y Profesor del Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Desarrolla su investigación en torno al desarrollo profesional de docentes de y en Lenguas extranjeras y a la construcción de procesos de cualificación, difundiéndola en publicaciones y reuniones científicas especializadas. Es miembro del Grupo de Investigación Reconocido Q-ESE de la Universidad citada y Responsable de Intercambio Bilateral.

Carmen Guillén Díaz, Universidad de Valladolid

Carmen Guillén-Díaz es Doctora en Filología Francesa por la Universidad de Valladolid y Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado. Profesora Titular de Universidad. Área de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Con docencia en formación inicial y continua del profesorado de lenguas y en formación a la investigación. Línea de investigación: la profesionalización y desarrollo profesional de los docentes, concretada en la dirección de tesis doctorales defendidas, en la dirección de trabajos de investigación tutelados y en libros y artículos en revistas especializadas.


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