What kind of teacher does today's society value? Society’s vision of teachers on twitter

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Ernesto Colomo Magaña
Ángel Ignacio Aguilar Cuesta


INTRODUCTION. This article aims to examine the qualities of teachers that are valued by today's society. Based on the World Teachers' Day celebrations promoted by UNESCO and other international organizations, the article examines the views published on Twitter about teachers' professional identity. METHOD. A sample of 1441 tweets posted on that date under the hashtag # DíaMundialDelDocente were analysed by using a mixed methodology (qualitative and quantitative approaches). For the purpose of categorizing and analysing information, school teachers were divided into four typologies, according to their traits and attitudes: the personal and genuine teacher, who generates positive educational and personal relationships with their students; the storyteller, who enriches their lessons and teaches in a passionate and motivating way; the motivator, who encourages learning and dominates the scenarios and resources to implement optimal learning processes; and the teacher as an agent of social change, who understands education as the mean to transform and improve reality. RESULTS. Results show a social preference for the characteristics and traits of the personal and genuine teacher, where aspects such as setting an example to students, positive emotional bonds or vocational identity are particularly important. DISCUSSION. Results also show that the personal and genuine teacher is the typology most valued by society, leaving the rest of the types in the background. This fact leads to a reflection on what competencies, skills and abilities the ideal teacher should have for today's society, so that they can be incorporated into the initial and continuing teachers' training. 



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How to Cite
Colomo Magaña, E., & Aguilar Cuesta, Ángel I. (2019). What kind of teacher does today’s society value? Society’s vision of teachers on twitter. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 71(4), 9–24. https://doi.org/10.13042/Bordon.2019.70310
Author Biographies

Ernesto Colomo Magaña, Universidad de Málaga

Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación y miembro del grupo de investigación “Enseñanza y aprendizaje en el marco de la innovación y la tecnología educativa (Innoeduca)” de la Universidad de Málaga. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en la educomunicación, la formación del profesorado, el análisis de la figura docente y la axiología.

Ángel Ignacio Aguilar Cuesta, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Natural de El Rubio (Sevilla), Doctorando en Geografía por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y Personal Investigador en Formación por la misma universidad. Sus investigaciones se centran en la aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías dentro del mundo educativo y el conocimiento de los catastros históricos del siglo XVIII, con especial atención, al Catastro de Ensenada.


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