The Second Dimension of Educational Quality: A Comparative Study in Seven Countries in Latin America

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Axel Rivas
Martín Scasso


INTRODUCTION. The educational quality assessments made it possible to compare education systems in the last 20 years. PISA test results are the most commonly used as reference. In Latin America, there are seven countries that have recurrently participated in this test since the year 2000: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay. METHODOLOGY. In this study, we analyze the evolution of the above-named countries in the PISA test, and other national and international assessments. We examine the goals, methodological biases, and the comparative results of these tests. RESULTS. The results of the educational quality assessments contradict each other and have variations based on methodological issues that are relatively unexplored. The PISA tests have introduced a methodological change in its 2015 edition that modify the results of previous editions and made the results incomparable to those of the first editions (2000 and 2003).  This raises important questions regarding the fact that the educational systems that seem to have improved, have actually not, or at least not to such extent. The paper introduces a comparison of the results of different assessments in which those countries participated, showing some cases that have improved their educational quality like Peru—which had a lower starting point— and Chile— which has shown the highest improvement among the analyzed countries during the 2000s. DISCUSSION. The study concludes by revealing a necessity to discuss a “second dimension of the educational quality” that requires further analyses of the standardized assessment results —not just skim reading— taking into consideration the various educational indicators and sources in a complimentary manner. That second dimension acts as an epistemological filter to understand the evolution of educational systems in Latin America and to avoid a misreading or a biased interpretation of the improvements achieved in the quality of education.


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How to Cite
Rivas, A., & Scasso, M. (2019). The Second Dimension of Educational Quality: A Comparative Study in Seven Countries in Latin America. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 71(4), 117–133.
Author Biographies

Axel Rivas, Universidad de San Andrés

Profesor, Investigador Adjunto y Director de la Escuela de Educación de la Universidad de San Andrés. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Master en Ciencias Sociales y Educación, FLACSO, Argentina. Licenciado en Ciencias de la Comunicación (UBA). Autor de once libros y distintos artículos sobre perspectivas comparadas y políticas de la educación. Ganador del Premio Konex por la trayectoria en Educación década 2006-2016.

Martín Scasso, Fundación Quantitas

Licenciado y profesor en Sociología, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Consultor para la producción y análisis de información cuantitativa en el sector educación. Consultor de organismos de cooperación internacional (UNICEF, UNESCO, Banco Mundial, CECC/SICA, OEI). Fue asesor de la Secretaría de Evaluación Educativa del Ministerio de Educación y Deporte de Argentina.


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