Toward construct validation of Social Responsability of University Student (RSEU)

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José Manuel García Ramos
Carmen de la Calle Maldonado
María Consuelo Valbuena Martínez
Teresa de Dios Alija


INTRODUCTION. The Corporate Social Responsability (CSR) is concerned with the set of obligations and legal and ethical, national and international commitments in a particular organization with its “stakeholders”. In a socially responsible company, the members and the persons related with it are able to answer for their actions, decisions and consequences. Higher Education should take part in the training of socially responsible people, through their comprehensive development. The module “Social Responsibility of the student of the Francisco de Vitoria University ” (from now UFV) allows the students to find their personal responsibility and their commitment to building a better world. The purpose of this study is to analyze the internal consistency and construct validity of the Social Responsibility of the University Student, SRUS (which differs from Corporate Social Responsability (CSR), considering that the interaction of knowledge, abilities, beliefs, attitudes which are involved in real contexts to the commitment with the others and to become aware that their own actions have an effect on social improvement. METHOD. It measures the “construct”, using a large sample of University Students (404). The processing of data is performed with reliability indicators, making use of different tools, such as Cronbach’s alpha statistics, a correlational analysis, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). RESULTS. The outcomes show rates of internal consistency more than acceptable or satisfactory. The correlations between dimensions are significant and high. The EFA suggests the presence of a single construct with the three correlated dimensions. The results of CFA, in spite of them not being conclusive, point to the same direction. DISCUSSION. These results seem to show suitable measurement of the construct to be evaluated.


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How to Cite
García Ramos, J. M., de la Calle Maldonado, C., Valbuena Martínez, M. C., & de Dios Alija, T. (2016). Toward construct validation of Social Responsability of University Student (RSEU). Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 68(3), 41–58.
Author Biographies

José Manuel García Ramos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Catedrático de Universidad.

Departamento de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación. Facultad de Educación

Carmen de la Calle Maldonado, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

Profesora Adjunta.

Profesora de Humanidades, Directora de la Cátedra de Responsabilidad Social del Grupo Santander. Coach dialógico. Mentora.

María Consuelo Valbuena Martínez, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

Profesor Adjunto.

Coordinadora de Evaluación Institucional.

Teresa de Dios Alija, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

Profesora en la Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.

Coordinadora de Formación e Innovación Docente


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