Enriched videos and the flipped classroom: learning and satisfaction multipliers during an escape room in Primary Education
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INTRODUCTION. Learning is not always easy or motivating for primary school students, especially when lesson content is somewhat abstract or theoretical. Active learning methodologies and the use of information and communication technology can help to increase motivation and promote meaningful, long-lasting learning among students. METHOD. In this study, we analyse a teaching unit focusing on Spanish language and literature in 5th of Primary (N=34). A flipped-classroom approach was used because students had to watch some video content before beginning the teaching unit at school. Some students watched interactive videos that had been enriched with questions that they had to answer to be able to continue, while other students watched conventional videos. The learning situation was presented in the form of an escape room over five sessions. RESULTS. The students who had watched the enriched videos obtained statistically higher scores than the students who had watched the conventional videos, in terms of content learning, and satisfaction with the teaching and learning process for the unit. No significant differences were observed between the two groups regarding digital competence (DC) or motivational aspects, although there was an increase in the trend of attribution to luck and a decrease in attribution to the teacher, by students who had watched enriched videos. DISCUSSION. The enriched videos used in the flipped classroom helped students gain a better understanding of the content needed for the sessions, producing improved learning outcomes and generating greater satisfaction among students. As expected, students’ digital competence did not improve through this process; as recent studies have shown, this would require specific training. While the motivational and attributional aspects merit further research, the educational implications of this learning process are herein discussed.
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