Design and reliability study of a parental knowledge, attitude, and practice questionnaire on prevention and management of acute bronchiolitis of children under two years of age
Bronchiolitis, Surveys and questionnaires, Disease prevention, Preschool child, ParentsAbstract
Background. Acute bronchiolitis is the most common cause of hospitalization in the first year of life. Primary prevention and supportive care are key. Here, we aimed to design and assess the psychometric properties of a parent-focused questionnaire on prevention and management of acute bronchiolitis at home in children under two years of age.
Methodology. For the design of the questionnaire, we conducted a literature search on prevention strategies and risk factors for bronchiolitis. An expert committee evaluated the content of the new questionnaire using the Content Validity Index and estimated the internal consistency reliability with Cronbach's alpha.
Results. A 26-item questionnaire divided into four dimensions (Risk factors, Signs and symptoms, Prevention, Care and pharmacological support) was created. The normalized score fell in the range between -50 and +50; a positive score was interpreted as presence of good knowledge, attitudes, and habits. Each of the 26 items obtained a Content Validity Index score > 0.80 and the global score was 0.90. The global internal consistency was α = 0.77, with differences between individual scores of the different dimensions of the questionnaire.
Conclusion. The Parental knowledge, attitude, and practice questionnaire on prevention and management of acute bronchiolitis at home obtained an excellent Content Validity Index score by the expert committee and an acceptable internal consistency. Our questionnaire may reinforce the weak knowledge areas regarding the measures to apply.
Update information | Bronchiolitis in children: diagnosis and management | Guidance | NICE.
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