Predictive pre-treatment value of the Prognostic Nutritional Index on survival in gastric carcinoma
Gastric carcinoma. Pre-treatment predictive value. Prognostic nutritional index. Survival. Prognostic indicator.Abstract
Background. The Prognostic Nutritional Index (PNI) combines the values of circulating lymphocytes and serum albumin and, in the Asian literature; it has been related with the prognosis following R0 resection of gastric cancer. No results are available in Western countries. We study the possible independent prognostic value, at the moment of the tumour’s diagnosis, of PNI on survival.
Patients and methods. We review 234 consecutive gastric carcinomas, calculating global survival and tumour-specific survival. We considered pre-treatment PNI values of < 40 to be pathological. We carried out a univariate and multivariate analysis of cases of survival according to PNI, including the following adjustment variables: age > 70 years, ASA anaesthetic at the time of diagnosis, size of the neoplasia > 5cm, macroscopic type, undifferentiated degree and TNM clinical stage through echoendoscopy and/or CAT.
Results. The univariate analysis registered greater global and specific survival in cases with PNI ≥ 40 versus PNI < 40: [HR = 2.28; CI 95% = (1.60-3.26); p< 0.001] and [HR = 2.35; CI 95% = (1.63-3.39); p< 0.001], respectively. The multivariate analysis confirmed a better independent prognosis in cases with OI ≥ 40: global survival: [HR = 1.48; CI 95% = (1.02-2.16); p = 0.040], specific survival: [HR = 1.51; CI 95% = (1.03-2.23); p = 0.036].
Conclusions. At the moment of diagnosis of gastric cancer and including all registered cases, a PNI ≥ 40 is accompanied by a significantly greater global and tumour-specific survival. In our series, this better prognosis is independent of the patient’s age group, his/her ASA classification, the size and degree of differentiation of the neoplasia and its TNM clinical stage.
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