Editorial model and material morphosintaxis of an edition of Martín Nucio: the Qüestión de amor and the Cárcel de amor (1546)
Martinus Nutius, Flanders, Printing, Cárcel de amor, Qüestión de amor, Diego de San PedroAbstract
Martín Nucio’s printing office is characterized by innovating in the editorial formats of works of long literary and editorial tradition. From the knowledge of each of them, we can better understand the operation of this printing shop; and it is from the strength of this knowledge that we can interpret the editorial history of a specific work. One of these successful and innovative bibliographic products is the object of this work: the joint edition of two forms of sentimental pieces. The first one includes the anonymous Qüestión de amor; the second, Diego de San Pedro’s Cárcel de amor and its continuation, by Nicolás Núñez, which is completed, circumstantially, by four poems from a poetic sheet today lost. This work studies this peculiar editorial model and typographic decoration features, from a morphological and macrosyntactic perspective.
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