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The “Revista de Estudios Latinos” (RELat) is the scientific journal of the “Sociedad de Estudios Latinos” (SELat), the Society of Latin Studies based in Madrid. The contents of RELat are the property of the authors and of the journal itself, to which the authors transfer the distribution rights over their publication. Only the version published in RELat may be deposited in a repository or made available on a private or an institutional website. If an article or a review is reproduced in full or in part, then its original place of publication in RELat must be stated.
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This journal is distributed under the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International Licence (see the additional information and the legal text of the licence). The entire contents of the journal, including the most recent issue, are available in open access here on the website of RELat.