Image formation processes in memory arts (1485-1520)


  • Marta Ramos Grané Universidad de Extremadura



ars memorativa, similitudo, comparatio, figmentum, inscriptio, imago


In memory arts, images are symbols that encode what someone wants to remember. The processes to build this type of mental images are very varied. For this reason, we have tried to systematize them here, classifying them into four basic processes: similitudo, comparatio, figmentum and inscriptio, depending on the quality of what is going to be encoded. To define, compare and exemplify these procedures, we will use various handbooks of the ars memorativa from what is regarded as its period of greatest splendour, 1485-1520. In addition, we will analyse different examples of how they are realized and we will consider other additional resources, such as the colligantia and the notae, which serve to specify the meaning of the image and to connect it to the rest of the symbols.


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How to Cite

Ramos Grané, M. (2022) “Image formation processes in memory arts (1485-1520)”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 22, pp. 97–116. doi: 10.23808/rel.v22i0.96952.


