Sentence patterns in Latin and German: a contrastive description


  • Manfred Kienpointner Universidad de Innsbruck



Sentence patterns, valency; arguments, satellites; semantic roles; contrastive linguistics


The infinite set of grammatically correct sentences in a language can be reduced to a few sentence patterns, as has especially been demonstrated within modern dependency grammar, a framework initiated by L. Tesnière. These sentence patterns are syntactic structures which consist only of the predicate and the arguments required by the valency of the predicate. In this article, a contrastive description of the most frequent or most characteristic sentence patterns in Latin and German will be presented. From the point of view of applied linguistics, these contrasts can be used in schools to stimulate reflections about both the mother tongue and foreign languages.


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How to Cite

Kienpointner, M. (2004) “Sentence patterns in Latin and German: a contrastive description”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 4, pp. 13–31. doi: 10.23808/rel.v4i0.87927.


