Descending schemes: about some applications of the preverb -de in the technical language of religion and magic


  • Luis Unceta Gómez Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Technical vocabulary of religion and magic; preverb de-; connotation.


This paper presents an analysis of a group of verbs (deuouere, deprecari, detestari, deuocare…), belonging to the technical language of religion and magic, in order to explain the additional connotations that the preverb de- develops in that section of Latin vocabulary.


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How to Cite

Unceta Gómez, L. (2006) “Descending schemes: about some applications of the preverb -de in the technical language of religion and magic”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 6, pp. 55–72. doi: 10.23808/rel.v6i0.87892.


