Adnominal Genitive and Definiteness in Latin


  • Jorge Tárrega Garrido IES El Grao, Valencia



Genitive. Definiteness. Latin Linguistics.


This paper tries to find out whether the sequence noun + genitive case in Latin is inherently definite. For this purpose three approaches are adopted: firstly, the comparison of these structures in different languages; secondly, the analysis of some translations from Classical Greek into Latin; and finally the consideration of several examples of Classical Latin. Working on an external and internal study, there is an attempt to classify Latin as one of those languages that, with or without an article, usually interpret a noun accompanied by a genitive case as definite.


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How to Cite

Tárrega Garrido, J. (2009) “Adnominal Genitive and Definiteness in Latin”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 9, pp. 35–45. doi: 10.23808/rel.v9i0.87846.


