Catullus and Lovato Lovati


  • Dániel Kiss Ludwig-Maximillian-Universität München



Catullus; Lovato Lovati; manuscript tradition; intertextuality.


It is not clear how Catullus’ poems survived the Middle Ages. In the 19th and the 20th century some scholars tried to solve this problem by searching for echoes of the Veronese poet in the literature of the Middle Ages. Thus Guido Billanovich identified a series of echoes of Catullus in the writings of the learned Paduan judge Lovato Lovati (ca. 1240-1309). These would prove that there was a Paduan phase in the manuscript tradition of Catullus at the end of the 13th century. Ludwig proved that most of these presumed echoes are illusory, except for one that appeared convincing to him. It is argued in this artide this last echo too should be eliminated, and there is no sign that Lovati knew Catullus.



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How to Cite

Kiss, D. (2011) “Catullus and Lovato Lovati”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 11, pp. 81–89. doi: 10.23808/rel.v11i0.87799.


