The predicative frame of the verb persuadeo in latin: a revision


  • Juan Carlos Berdasco Valle IES de Astorga, León



functionalism; predicative framework; semantic; syntax.


The objective of this essay is to review the predicative frame of the verb persuadeo in classical and postclassical Latin, as well as the functional characterization of its constituents. Well, following the theoretical principles functionalism of Dik and having analyzed a large corpus of authors (Caesar, Sallust, Nepos, Cicero, Livy, Seneca, Petronius and Apuleius), lead to the conclusion that this verb, at least in the analyzed synchronies, is an intransitive trivalent verb, whose arguments carry out in the active sentence syntactic functions of subject, indirect complement and supplement with the respective semantic functions of agent, target and reference, which from the postclassic period undergroes a process of «transitivation» to avoid unnecessary semantic redundancy between the verbal lexeme and the third argument, which will give place to the predicative frame presented in Spanish.


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How to Cite

Berdasco Valle, J. C. (2012) “The predicative frame of the verb persuadeo in latin: a revision”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 12, pp. 59–69. doi: 10.23808/rel.v12i0.87789.


