The porcine allusion of singularis in Verrinas


  • Benjamín García Hernández Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



ambiguity; polysemy; homonymy; allusive meaning; Ciceronian humour.


Due to its secondary nature, allusive meaning is less consistent and, as such, it would be pointless to expect it to display the clarity of obvious meaning. Bearing this in mind, in the present paper we explore whether or not the adjective singularis, which is frequently used to refer to Verres and Apronius (the two characters named «boar» and «wild boar», respectively) suggests an allusion to the porcine family of animals. Instead of using the direct insult (uerrem tam nequam) that appears in the comments made by people, Cicero himself prefers the less intense allusion (singularis nequitia). Should this allusive meaning be confirmed, it would anticipate by more than four and a half centuries, from the Vulgate to Cicero, the use of the adjective to refer to the wild pig. In the majority of the Romance languages, it then becomes the noun used to denote the wild boar.


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How to Cite

García Hernández, B. (2012) “The porcine allusion of singularis in Verrinas”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 12, pp. 25–36. doi: 10.23808/rel.v12i0.87787.


