Really happy life to aeternal afterlife: Martial 10, 47 and the orationes of Ausonius and Paulinus


  • Alfredo Encuentra Ortega Universidad de Zaragoza



Classical tradition; Ausonius Eph.3 and Epic.; Paulinus of Pella, Oratio; textual transmission; authorship


The uota displayed in Mart. 10, 47 inspire Ausonius’ Epicedion in patrem and some verses of his Precatio matutina (Eph. 3), as well as an Oratio scti. Paulini which two manuscripts of Ausonius transmitted and Courcelle finally assigned to Paulinus of Pella. Nevertheless, the close affinities these two prayers share and the way they use Mart. 10, 47 as a model might be proof of Ausonius’ authorship, who would have written both in his eighties, after retirement from court.


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How to Cite

Encuentra Ortega, A. (2015) “Really happy life to aeternal afterlife: Martial 10, 47 and the orationes of Ausonius and Paulinus”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 15, pp. 53–79. doi: 10.23808/rel.v15i0.87695.




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