Phaedrus, the protagonist of his own fables


  • Antonio Cascón Dorado Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Phaedrus and other collections of fables; autobiographical features; literary personality; neoteric literature.


In some passages of his work, especially in the prologues and epilogues of his books, but also in several of his fables, Phaedrus casts light on some aspects of his personality and lets us know about his literary objectives. These aspects are sometimes intertwined with references to personal interests of the writer’s and to the world in which he lived.
In addition to providing interesting information about Phaedrus, these autobiographical passages tinge his work with a lyrical tone that is alien to the eminently narrative style of the fable. In no other collection of fables, whether classical or medieval, do we find this kind of personal references, which are, however, commonly found in Roman poets before and during this period.


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How to Cite

Cascón Dorado, A. (2016) “Phaedrus, the protagonist of his own fables”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 16, pp. 83–100. doi: 10.23808/rel.v16i0.87682.




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