De uillatico et pastorali dicendum est. On the watchdog in Roman agronomy




Roman Agronomy; Columella; Varro; Watchdog in History.


This contribution gathers and ponders –with Columella’s text as the main thread– references to the watchdog in Latin agronomists. We use the last edition of the Res rustica, translating it and trying to clear up difficult points. Our goal has been to establish the Columella’s method and sources (his own experience, oral tradition, Greek and Roman authors). Thus we point out his veiled criticism of Varro and we notice different levels of self-demand in writing his treatise. We include a brief review of the latest publications related to the subject, which shows very various perspectives and is framed in the valuation of animals from Antiquity to the present day.


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How to Cite

García Armendáriz, J.-I. (2020) “De uillatico et pastorali dicendum est. On the watchdog in Roman agronomy”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 20, pp. 53–69. doi: 10.23808/rel.v20i0.87197.




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