An unedited Latin adaptation of Pseudo-Basil’s Λόγος περὶ ἀσκήσεως


  • Lambert Ferreres Universitat de Barcelona



pseudo-Basil of Caesarea; ascetic admonition; Latin adaptation


In his study of the St. Basil of Caesarea corpus, Fedwick reports that there are two Latin adaptations of the so-called Λόγος περὶ ἀσκήσεως, listed by the acronyms *AskAdm2f and *AskAdm2s, respectively. One of them, *AskAdm2f, transmitted by the manuscript Bollandianus 27, remains unpublished. Unfortunately, this manuscript is not available. The discovery of another manuscript containing *AskAdm2f has enabled me to publish it. A comparison of the two adaptations shows that they are independent renditions of two original Greek versions, which were probably somewhat different.


CDS: Cross Database Searchtool, Turnhout, Brepols Publishers. [01.08.2019].

Dekkers, E. (1995): Clauis Patrum Latinorum, Turnhout, Brepols Publishers. (= CPL)

Fedwick, P. J. (1997): Bibliotheca Basiliana Vniuersalis, vol. III, Turnhout, Brepols Publishers.

Geerard, M. (1983): Clauis Patrum Graecorum, Turnhout, Brepols Publishers. (= CPG)

Gheyn, J. Van den (1905): Catalogue des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, t. V, Bruselas, Lamertin.

Hofmann, J. B ‒Szantyr, A. (1965): Lateinische Syntax und Stilistik, Múnich, C. H. Beck.

LLT: Library of Latin Texts, Turnhout, Brepols Publishers. [31.08.2019].

Moretus, H. (1905): «Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum Latinorum Bibliothecae Bollandianae», Analecta Bollandiana 24, 425-472.

PG (1857): Patrologiae cursus completus, accurante J. P. Migne. Series Graeca, París, Migne.

ThLL (1900—.): Thesaurus linguae Latinae [Leipzig, B. G. Teubner] Múnich, K. G. Saur.

Wilmart, A. (1910): «Le discours de saint Basile sur l’ascèse en latin», Revue Bénédictine 27, 226-233.



How to Cite

Ferreres, L. (2019) “An unedited Latin adaptation of Pseudo-Basil’s Λόγος περὶ ἀσκήσεως”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 19, pp. 61–69. doi: 10.23808/rel.v19i0.82828.




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