Horace in the eyes of Horace: poet’s self-portrait in Epistles 1, 20


  • Eduardo A. Gallego-Cebollada




Horace; Epistles; demonstrative genre; literary self-portrait


This paper studies how Horace portrays himself in Epistles 1, 20. It highlights how the author’s self-representation is based on the prescriptions of the demonstrative genre in order to create a particular kind of poetical sphragís. For this purpose the paper focuses on lines 19-28, noting the autobiographical peculiarities, the intertextual references and, more specifically, the tripartite structure through which they are articulated, and their similarities with the dispositio of praise speech. It also examines briefly the potential reader of the portrait through its comparison with the Satires. Finally, the context of the poet’s description is examined, with special reference to its location within the poem and within the first book of the Epistles.


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How to Cite

Gallego-Cebollada, E. A. (2019) “Horace in the eyes of Horace: poet’s self-portrait in Epistles 1, 20”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 19, pp. 11–28. doi: 10.23808/rel.v19i0.82821.


