Tene secretum quia nichil est efficacius. The “Secrets” of the Pseudo-Arnold’s Summa medicinae


  • Cristina De la Rosa Cubo Universidad de Valladolid




The aim of this paper is to analyze the term secreta and its role in the Summa medicinae, an anonymous 14th-century handbook of medicine from the Medical Faculty of Montpellier and wrongly attributed to Arnold of Villanova. This encyclopedia, divided into a theoretical and a practical part, often has the appearance of notes taken by medical students who were very aware of the necessity of reading the authorized texts and extracting from them the recipes that had been “tried and tested”. Therefore, one of the meanings of the word secretum, and one of the ost important ones, is used to describe practical recipes in order to prove the autenticatio of the process because the successful recipes are usually ascribed to great medical authors such as Hippocrates, Galen or Razes as well as other sources who are not mentioned, such as Bernard de Gordon or Petrus Hispanus, both closer in time to the compiler of the Summa. Thus the reason why these secreta are included in the Summa is not secrecy, but prestige and the seeking of success. They also help us to reveal the real sources of the text.


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How to Cite

De la Rosa Cubo, C. (2018) “Tene secretum quia nichil est efficacius. The ‘Secrets’ of the Pseudo-Arnold’s Summa medicinae”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 18, pp. 117–133. doi: 10.23808/rel.v18i0.82806.


