The concern for ueritas in the Dialogues of Gregory the Great
Gregory the Great; hagiography; Dialogues; Vitae; ueritas.Abstract
In the genre of lives of the saints, it is common for hagiographers to attest to the veracity of their stories, as per the well-known historiographical principle of ueritas. Yet such concern is much greater in the Dialogues of Gregory the Great than it is in his predecessors’ works. This paper analyzes different resources used by the author to convince his readers of the truthfulness of the narrative: the confirmation of the existence of thaumaturgical saints in ancient, modern, and contemporary Italy; the defense of the use of secondary sources of information; the mention of those who witnessed each and every one of the miracles; the demonstration of the witnesses’ reliability (given their nature: noble or ecclesiastical witnesses, recent witnesses, living witnesses, eyewitnesses, etc.); and the use of multiple strategies developed to provide a certain impression of truthfulness, such as discarding possible natural explanations for the prodigies, presenting material evidence, or drawing comparisons with similar biblical miracles.
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