The Latin version of the Aphthonii Progymnasmata by Joannes Maria Catanaeus: the editio princeps (1507) and the Romana editio (1517)
Aphthonius; Catanaeus; progymnasmataAbstract
The first Latin translation of the Progymnasmata of Aphthonius to appear in print was the work of Joannes Maria Catanaeus, published in Bologna in 1507 by Caligula Bacilerius, and reprinted on several occasions during the first half of the sixteenth century throughout all of Europe. The comparison of these editions reveals differences, a fact that is not really noteworthy given publishers’ practice of altering texts to different degrees. However, the differences among Catanaeus’ editions do not appear to be minor; for this reason, I have collated the editio princeps and the second edition, published by Iacobus Mazochius in Rome in 1517, in order to establish the extent of these differences and their chronology, that is, whether they date back to the first editions or they appear in later ones.
Catanaeus, J. A. (1507): Aphthonii Progymnasmata id est praeexercitationes Rhetorum & Luciani opusculum de componenda Historia nuper a Ioanne Maria Catanaeo latinitate donata & ad utilitatem legentium nunc primum publicata solertique diligentia emendata, per Caligulam Bacilerium impressum est Bon[oniae] anno Salutifere incarnationis MDVII.
Catanaeus, J. A. (1517): Aphthonii declamatoris optimi et utilissimi praeexercitamentorum libellus aureus Latinitate donatus et ad communem studiorum utilitatem diligentius recognitus. Non admiretur lector si quaedam ab impraesso exemplari Graeco diuersa offendet, quoniam qui transtulit alia interdum lectione ductus illa non probauit, impressum Romae apud Iacobum Mazochium Romanae Achademiae Bibliopo. Anno M.D.XVII Die XXI Mensis Nouembris. <>[05/05/2017]
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