The Methodus seu ratio compendiaria of Leonhart Fuchs: origins and development of a medical textbook from the sixteenth century


  • Victoria Recio Muñoz Universidad de Valladolid
  • Nelia Rosa Vellisca Gutiérrez Universidad de Valladolid



Renaissance humanist Medicine; History of medical Gymnastics; Leonhart Fuchs.


This paper aims to analyze the development of the medical textbook Methodus seu ratio compendiaria written by the German humanist Leonhart Fuchs in the sixteenth century. We study the successive changes to this work that was published first in 1531 under the title Compendiaria, before becoming a sizeable textbook named Institutiones medicinae (Lyon 1555), which continued to be modified until the death of the author in 1566. Fuchs was first and foremost a teacher, and it is because of this that he expanded, changed and corrected his work for thirty-five years. This development is illustrated through a study of the chapter De motu et quiete, dedicated to physical activity and rest, one of the sex res non naturales of the physiological system created by Galen. This paper also reveals the importance of this topic in the Renaissance.


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How to Cite

Recio Muñoz, V. and Vellisca Gutiérrez, N. R. (2017) “The Methodus seu ratio compendiaria of Leonhart Fuchs: origins and development of a medical textbook from the sixteenth century”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 17, pp. 89–111. doi: 10.23808/rel.v17i0.82788.




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