Positive-Politeness Strategies in the Dialogue Opening by Plautus and Terence


  • Łukasz Berger Universidad Adam Mickiewicz de Poznań




Plautus; Terence; dialogue opening; positive politeness; greeting.


The article identifies and describes the politeness conveyed in the dialogue openings of the comedies by Plautus and Terence. In order to reach this objective, it combines the classical theory by Brown & Levinson (1987) with the tools of the Conversational Analysis. Thus, the relation between various face-work mechanisms, on one hand, and the phase of the dialogue and the communicative action, on the other, is being recognized and highlighted.
   After the theoretical introduction, the article comments briefly on the context elements which allow to initiate the dialogue «baldly on record» without causing a facethreat to the participants. With more details, the work delves into various strategies invested by positive politeness. The analysis of the presented material suggests that they are governed by the following rules: (i) to convey that the hearer is admirable, interesting (etc.), (ii) to claim common ground between the interlocutors. These general strategies are accomplished by the expression of joy and surprise, in-group identification, greeting formulae with a good-wishing message and by conveying interest through a small talk sequence.
   Finally, throughout the article, it is stressed that politeness and its –more or less– conventionalized tokens are subject to constant discursive (re)evaluations.


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How to Cite

Berger, Łukasz (2017) “Positive-Politeness Strategies in the Dialogue Opening by Plautus and Terence”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 17, pp. 11–35. doi: 10.23808/rel.v17i0.82782.


