The Fate of the Benoît Baudouin’s Calceus Antiquus




history of the footwear, Benedictus Balduinus Ambianus, Benoît Baudoin, Latin, ancient footwear, religious footwear


Why has a book on the history of footwear, possibly the first, not been studied and translated into a modern language? This question arose even before undertaking the translation we are preparing of the documentary treatise Calceus antiquus et mysticus by Benoît Baudouin.

Since its publication in the 17th century, the document had repercussions and spread throughout Europe and America and was a recurring reference. In spite of this, it was soon dispensed both praiseworthy evaluations that helped the propagation of the work, and personal and methodological criticisms that could have marginalized it. The controversy (which we have called “the Baudouinist question”) may have been a burden for the academic prestige of the treatise and also for the progression of Baudouin’s career.

The article follows the trail of the assessments that affected the consideration of the treatise, which were radiated by commentators and encyclopedists from one to another.


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Ediciones y compilaciones del tratado

Balduinus, B. (1615): Calceus antiquus et mysticus, Paris, Dionysius Langlaeus.

Balduinus, B., Nigronus, I., Salmasius, C. y Rubenius, A. (1711): B. Balduini Calceus Antiquus Et Mysticus Et Jul. Nigronus De Caliga Veterum : Accesserunt ex Cl. Salmasii notis ad librum Tertulliani de Pallio & Alb. Rubenii libris de Re Vestiaria Excerpta ejusdem argumenti Omnia figuris aucta & illustrata observationibus Joh. Frederici Nilant, Leiden, Theodorum Haak.

Balduinus, B., Nigronus, I., Salmasius, C. y Rubenius, A. (1733): B. Balduinus De Calceo Antiquo, Et Jul. Nigronus De Caliga Veterum. Accesserunt ex Q. Sept. Fl. Tertulliani, Cl. Salmasi[i], & Alb. Rvbeni[i] scriptis plurima ejusdem argumenti. In his Scriptores veteres quamplurimi explicantur, & emendantur, nec non res ipsa adjectis aeneis figuris illustrantur, Leipzig: J.G. Loewium.

Balduinus, B., Nigronus, I., Tertullianus, Q. S. F., Salmasius, C. y Rubenius, A. (1667): B. Balduinus De calceo antiquo, et Jul. Nigronus de caliga veterum. Accesserunt ex Q. Sept. Fl. Tertulliani, Cl. SalmasI, & Alb. RubenI scriptis plurima ejusdem argumenti. In his scriptores veteres quamplurimi explicantur, & emendantur, nec non res ipsæ adjectis aeneis figuris illustrantur, Amsterdam, Andreas Frisius.

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How to Cite

Juan González, C. J. (2023) “The Fate of the Benoît Baudouin’s Calceus Antiquus”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 23, pp. 145–166. doi: 10.23808/rel.v23i0.103231.


