From Simile to Christian Symbol. Rhetorical Images in the Sedulius’ Paschale Carmen




simile, epic poetry, Christianity, sign, symbol


The Christian epic largely absorbs the mould of the classic epic. The simile, a nuclear rhetorical figure of this epic genre since Homer, remains alive in the Christian epic of Sedulius. After a brief introduction on the use of rhetorical license, this work focuses on providing examples of the simile in the verses of the Paschale Carmen and, later, analyzes its literary function in the story. There exists in the poem a predisposition to establish comparisons in which the first element is the human figure against the examples of the classic epic, much more varied. Through the simile Sedulius illustrates psychological or physical characteristics that help to understand the new protagonists of Christian epic poetry. From the examples presented it follows that the classic model of the simile is still valid in Christian poetry, although the tendency is to extend the similarity towards an imaginative, not present, comparative tertium that brings the trope closer to the symbol or allegory.


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How to Cite

Hernández Mayor, M. D. (2023) “From Simile to Christian Symbol. Rhetorical Images in the Sedulius’ Paschale Carmen”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 23, pp. 43–66. doi: 10.23808/rel.v23i0.103230.


