Culminación del proceso de migración del nuevo sitio web de la RELat
El equipo editorial de la revista ha concluido el proceso de migración del nuevo sitio web de la RELat
El equipo editorial de la revista ha concluido el proceso de migración del nuevo sitio web de la RELat
Annual Publication Of The Sociedad de Estudios Latinos
The Revista de Estudios Latinos (RELat) aims to bring together particularly original and unpublished scientific contributions on any field of Latin and Roman Studies and related disciplines. The journal has three sections: Scientific articles, reports on teaching and new technology, and reviews.
Submission of manuscripts and assessment and selection procedures:manuscripts submitted for publication should adhere to the Guidelines for the presentation and assessment of manuscripts and comply with RELat’s Editing Standards. Two confidential assessment reports will be commissioned from external experts on each piece of work as a prerequisite for its possible acceptance by the Editorial Board.
All of the journal’s content is available to the public via the RELat’s website, including the latest issue.
This journal is open access and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.. All of the journal’s content is available to the public via the RELat’s website, including the latest issue.