Privacy Statement

Privacy and data protection

The Data controller of personal data provided for this journal, hosted by the FECYT, is the Revista de Estudios Latinos (RELat). If you wish to consult additional and detailed information on data protection, you can contact the Revista de Estudios Latinos (RELat) at the address

Otherwise, you are informed that FECYT acts as Data Processor for all the files owned by each journal. Therefore, you may the exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, data portability, and opposition before the FECYT. You can also exercise your right not to be subject to automated individual decisions, including profiling. You can exercise any of the aforementioned rights using the following contact information FECYT, Pintor Murillo 15, 28100 Alcobendas (Madrid, ES), or requesting it by email to the address; please confirm your identity using an identification document.

You can consult the legal notice and privacy policy of the FECYT by clicking here.