Experiences of Spanish Military Participation in International missions: The Case of Army Officers (1993-2015)


  • Marién Durán Universidad de Granada
  • Isabel Adé Universidad de Barcelona
  • Rafael Martínez Universidad de Barcelona
  • Adolfo Calatrava Universidad Carlos III




Armed Forces, international missions, asymmetric conflicts, professional experiences.


The current research note addresses the experiences of the Spanish Army officers in 175 international military missions that portray the features of asymmetrical conflicts or wars occurred between 1993 and 2015. And it is based on the analysis of fifty semi-structured interviews. These experiences have been systematized in a series of variables that serve to identify such conflicts: (i) procedures; (ii) constraints, and (iii) actors. More specifically and out of these variables we have analyzed the following indicators that constitute the results of the research: in the section on procedures we have paid attention to the general training and the mission-oriented training, the autonomy in the decision making process, Units’ collective training and the style of command. Within the constraints we have analyzed the rules of engagement (ROE) and logistics. As for the actors, our focus is on the relationships with local and international actors, as well as journalists. Finally, their global assessments and the impact on their daily lives have been studied. The outcomes of this work fall within the larger international comparative study “Officer and Commander in Asymmetric Warfare Operations”, sponsored by the working group “The Military Profession” of the European Research Group on Armed Forces and Society (ERGOMAS)”.


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How to Cite

Durán, M., Adé, I., Martínez, R., & Calatrava, A. (2016). Experiences of Spanish Military Participation in International missions: The Case of Army Officers (1993-2015). Revista Española De Ciencia Política, (42), 127–145. https://doi.org/10.21308/recp.42.05



Research Notes