Initial teacher training on gender and coeducation: Metacognitive impacts of cross-curricular inclusion on sexism and homophobia


  • Rafael García Pérez Universidad de Sevilla
  • Arianna Sala Universidad de Sevilla
  • Esther Rodríguez Vidales Universidad de Sevilla
  • Assumpta Sabuco I Cantó Universidad de Sevilla


gender, sexism, homophobia, teacher training, metacognition


We research an educational innovation to mainstream gender across in the initial teacher training. It is experienced in the subjects of Assessment in Education (1º Psycho-pedagogy) and Techniques and Tools of Assessment (2º Pedagogy), both with very similar approaches and shared learning materials. The mainstreaming of the gender perspective is provided by the need for examples and cases of studies for methodological knowledge, linking them to the practical tasks of the subjects. Comparative logic is applied in a pre-experimental study, ex post facto, using posttest with natural-nonrandom groups (experimental and control groups). The study sample involves 348 participants, who are students (males and females) from the University of Seville. We apply metacognitive test (Type CERT –sense of security-), which allow to value the metacognitive adjustment through variables such as knowledge-security, consistency and realism in the handling of concepts. The results demonstrate the metacognitive impact caused on thinking about gender and coeducation of the university students involved in these initiatives. We conclude with a call for the improvement of the degrees that provide initial training for future teachers of the educational system.


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