Teacher training in the 21t century in Argentina: consolidating the trenes of the `90s?


  • María Rosa Misuraca National University of Luján (Argentina)
  • Raúl A. Menghini National University of Surth (Argentina)

Mots-clés :

political education, teacher training, policies to teachers training


The policies used to form professors during the 90’s decade in Argentina were part of the neoliberal project that affected the State in all of its areas. Propossed by the Federal Council of Culture and Education, they pointed to reestructure the profesional trainning and forming institutions according to the Federal Law of Education. Jointly with education quality’s speech,
evaluation and institutional accreditation processes were emphasized too, and the Institutional Proyect of Education (IPE) of each institution pretended to be the key to continuity or not of the institutions. Mechanisms for the competition among the institutions were settled as well, and professional training suddenly had an instrumental stamp, tending to make professors an “user” of strategies to solve learning’s problems inside the classroom.
Since 2006, with the creation of the National Institute of Teaching Formation (NITF) -as leading organ of the policies that proppose to get over the inherited divisions- 90’s tendences remain, get deeper and solid. Altough a political line that tries to articulate the forming system (universitary
and non-universitary) has been suggested, its hori zon does not include universities. On the other hand, the NITF has advanced on its centralized decitions that move forward jurisdictional decitions and its character may be registred in the begginings of the “new public gestion”. In this work we try to analize professional trainning’s policies subsequent to the change of
governement happened in 2003, remarking the more evident continuities and a few signes of possible breaks.


