Attitude towards writing in deaf and hearing students integrated in bilingual schools


  • Rafaela Gutiérrez Cáceres Universidad de Almería


attitude, written composition, deafness, bilingualism, sign language.


This paper presents some of the most relevant results of research focused on the analysis of the attitudinal skills in writing by deaf and hearing students integrated in bilingual schools (sign language and majority language, the country’s official) from Spain and Italy. Research subjects in the study were 46 students: 25 from Spanish context and 21 from Italy; 5 deaf and 41 hearing. The data collection process was the implementation of an adapted scale of attitudes towards writing, which is taken from Harris y Graham (1992) and translated by Salvador (1997). Among the most relevant results, we note that the majority of deaf and hearing students integrated in bilingual schools from Spain and Italy develop a slightly positive attitude, marked by an interest in learning of written composition. It is also necessary to consider some limitations inherent in the research related to subjects’ participants and methodological procedure. However this study may be a starting point for thought and didactic action and especially for further research towards improved learning of writing in deaf students.


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