Education and network-culture: Powers and contradictions to required transformation
Education, Internet, culture, time, transformation, spaces, knowledge, digital industries, schoolAbstract
This paper is based on the following hypotheses: Internet transformation operates in the world emphasizes the need for an educational transformation. The inertia of tradition and the positioning of their old ways of knowing seem to reinforce a profound mismatch between what society requires and what the education provided; a mismatch that Internet helps speed. However what interest us here will not be the instrumental issues, but issues arising from the transformation in the ways of creating knowledge and think ourselves in a networked world. To think about it, this paper will take a tour of some of the most significant nodes that define contemporary culture in relation to the Internet, given the complexity of living in a connected world adds to the classic structural problems of the present education system. A world where the power of knowledge creation, identity and subjectivity seems delegated to the creative industries increasingly. Therefore, we want to reflect on the possible effect of homogenization and power hidden in these dynamics delegation affecting people's life chances. Issues such as the following will be key to inquire into the conditions of social and educational transformation of a connected society: the influence of speed on the new forms of writing and thinking on-line (“to be going"); the impact of the intersection of spheres of production and consumption on the Internet; the erosion of public and private spheres; convergence resulting from the amateur culture in the network; and transformation in the forms of subjective and identity through technology in relation to the new links "collective production”. Reflecting on these keys is a necessary step, first, to problematize this context, which in this article call "network-culture"; secondly, to make thoughtful possible contradictions and ways of life that are derived from the socialization of the Internet, to make thoughtful educational power of the network.Downloads
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