Vol. 76 (2024): July-December

					View Vol. 76 (2024): July-December

Papers presented at the LXXVI Scientific Session of the SGE in Segura de la Sierra (Jaén), on June 7, 2024.

Cover image: 2 mm diopside crystals found in a vacuole of the Cancarix lamproitic rocks from 7 m.a. ago (Albacete province). This type of ultrapotassic volcanic rock is formed by olivine, phlogopite, diopside, enstatite, richterite and sanidine.
Author: Luis Arrufat Milán (Geology Research Group, University of Murcia).

- Author index y scientific reviewers ( Vol. 73 y 74, year 2023).

Published: 2024-12-02
