From social reproduction to the social production of humanity. Epistemological explorations for the exercise of a feminist anthropology



feminist epistemology, social reproduction, materialist feminism, forms of living, anthropology of value


This article aims to review critically and from an anthropological perspective the metaphor of the two spheres (productive and reproductive) widespread in the study of the field of the economic. This exercise is conceived as a first exploration and/or game that aims to reflect on the explanatory dependence of the dichotomous frameworks of naturalistic ontology. The article tries to dialogue the contributions of feminist anthropologists with recent postulates of Marxist feminism and the anthropological theories of value. The article will begin with a review of the critiques that feminist anthropologists made of the concept of social reproduction in the 1970s and 1980s, and then move on to analyze the theoretical efforts made by the materialist feminist anthropologist, part of Marxist feminists and the anthropologists of value to reconceptualize the concepts of production and of relations of production. I will postulate that the everyday economies and forms of living perspectives can provide us with a good starting point for the production of feminist enthographies of inequiality that will challenge and transform androcentric definitions of the social world.


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How to Cite

Prieto Arratibel, A. (2023). From social reproduction to the social production of humanity. Epistemological explorations for the exercise of a feminist anthropology. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 23(2), a2311. Retrieved from