Notes on Lévi-Strauss's introduction to the work of Marcel Mauss


  • Ángel de Lucas


Mauss, Lévi-Strauss, total social phenomenon, mental pathology, gift


These notes present a reading made by the sociologist Ángel de Lucas on Lévi-Strauss's Introduction to the work of Marcel Mauss Sociology and Anthropology. His objective, framed in the teaching work of de Lucas, is not only the presentation of the text but also to theoretically develop the concept of “total social phenomenon”. This development goes through the discussion about the possible articulations between the levels of the individual and the social, as well as their implications in different fields: from the body and socialization, to mental pathology and the gift. Likewise, such reflections have methodological and epistemological consequences on social analysis that are also outlined.


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How to Cite

de Lucas, Ángel. (2021). Notes on Lévi-Strauss’s introduction to the work of Marcel Mauss. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 21(3), tc2105. Retrieved from



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