Social movements for housing in the light of their structural conditions of historical development



political economy, real estate capitalism, housing, social movements, Spain


This paper reveals the relationship between housing movements and the structural conditions of each historical period from the death throes of Franco's dictatorship to the present day. The aim is to study the variations that these movements have experienced over the last decades in the light of the political, economic and social structures that conditioned, and to a large extent explain, their emergence and development. In particular, it examines the contradictory development of the forces of production, the political and legal regime that favours capitalist accumulation, the cyclical crises of the dominant economic system, the "protest cycles" that mark periods of high mobilising intensity in which different struggles converge, and the "socio-spatial structures" with respect to the production and transformation of urban space. Finally, it is argued that there is a persistence of certain structural conditions that accumulate to new developments of real estate capitalism, and that give rise to the main grievances that are interpreted and responded to by the urban and housing movements of each period.


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How to Cite

Martínez, M. A. (2021). Social movements for housing in the light of their structural conditions of historical development. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 21(1), r2102. Retrieved from